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Is Tazkiyah (or Graduation) Required Before One Teaches and Gives Da'wah? Part 1: Shaykh Abd al-Muhsin al-Abbaad
Filed under: Da'wah
Monday, September 30 2013 - by Manhaj.Com
Key topics: Tazkiyah

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The following is from the Shaykh's lessons, Sharh Sunan Ibn Maajah (cassette no. 248), question is asked about requirement of a tazkiyah for giving da'wah or conveying knowledge (mp3):

هل يشترط فيمن أراد أن يدعو إلى الله تبارك وتعالى أن تكون معه تزكية من قبل أهل العلم ؟

Is it a condition for the one who desires to invite to Allah, the Blessed and Exalted that he should have a tazkiyah (commendation) from the people of knowledge?

The Shaykh responded:

ما ينبغي للإنسان أنه يقدم على الكلام وكلام الناس إلا أن يكون ذا علم، ولا يلزم أن تكون معه تزكية ... لا يلزم أن يكون معه تزكية. لكن إذا كان مجهول أمره، وأنه - يعني - الناس غير مرتاحين إليه وأرادوا أن يتعرفوا، وهو مجهول عندهم، وأرادوا أن يعرفوه عن طريق بعض الناس المعروفين الذين أتى بشيء يبين أنه أهل وأنه يُستفاد منه هذا قد .. يعني يكون هناك يعني ... وإلا إذا كان الإنسان عنده قدرة، وعنده تمكُّن، ولا يكون عنده محذور، يجوز وإن لم يكن معه تزكيةوكل من كان عنده شيء من العلم يأتي به، والرسول قال ( بلغوا عني ولو آية ). نعم.

It is not desirable for a person that he proceeds to speech and speech (for the people) except that he possesses knowledge, but it is not binding that he has a tazkiyah (commendation) ... it is not binding that he has a tazkiyah. However, when his affair is unknown (majhool) and he, meaning, the people are not satisfied regarding him and wish to know (about him) whilst he is unknown to them, and they wish to know about him through the route of known people, one who brings something, making clear that he is fit (for da'wah) and he can be benefited from ... meaning, there is, meaning ... otherwise when this person has ability and he has grounding, and there is nothing cautionary from him, then it is permissible, even if he does not have a tazkiyah, and every one who has something of knowledge he can bring it (forth), and the Messenger said, "Convey from me, even if a (single) verse". Yes.

And the question continues:

يقول في تتمة سؤاله: وإذا لم يشترط أن يكون معه تزكية فكيف نعرف هل الداعية مؤهلا للدعوة خاصة إذا لم يدرس على أيدي العلماء ؟

He says in the completion of the question: And when it is not a condition that he has a tazkiyah then how can we know that a caller is fit for giving da'eah especially when he did not study at the hands of the scholars

The Shaykh answers:

إذا كان الإنسان مجهول يُتوقف في أمره، وإذا كان معلوم؛ أنه معروف بفائدته، سواءٌ كان عُرف أنه كان درس وعنده دراسات وعنده مؤهلات، وقد يكون الإنسان يحصل هذا بالاعتياد والدراسات الخاصة، ليس بلازم أن يكون الإنسان عنده شهادة يعني متخرج من كلية، أو أنه ملازم شيخ مدد طويلة، من كان عنده شيء من العلم ومتمكن فيه، ولو كان فائدة أخذها من عالم فإنه يبلغها لغيره.

When a person is unknown (altogether), then his matter is withheld from (out of caution) and when he is known that he is known for his benefit, whether it is known that he studied and he has lessons and he has capabilities, and a person could have acquired this through habitual study, and specific lessons. It is not binding that a person should have a shahaadah, meaning graduation from a faculty or that he has accompanied a Shaykh for a long period. Whoever has something of knowledge and his grounded in it, even if it was a benefit he took from a Scholar, then he conveys it to others.

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